Your Surety like this… New website for Surety Keyholding
Posted on 27th September 2017
Surety Keyholding are one of Manchester’s and Cheshire’s leading and most established keyholding Companies. The client provided a lot of strong example sites which our designers took the best elements of to create a strong, branded website.
Our website designers opted for a grey scale fading banner for their home page, placing text over the top to make it immediately clear what they do and where they offer their services, while offering a bit more detail on their commercial, residential and school offerings.
We used stock images for the banners on each page, with their own images used throughout the site complementing the page content. Whilst on most pages we have included a testimonial as it helps to instill a sense of trust in site visitors without them needing to actively seek out the testimonials page.
Tagged as: Web design
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